It's 12:21am on June 15,2010. Jordan and Dean are watching Alice in Wonderland while Liam continues his final 13 hour driving shift and what has to be his 5th redbull as I sit and continue to be that amazing co pilot that I am while eating a spongebob popcicle. We're dirty, smell like who knows what and hungry as hell. But we were leaving behind a trip that we'll never forget. Nine days ago we left Newport Beach behind and embarked on a journey all but one of us has done before. With a trailer, three boys, one girl, and two boxes of poptarts we headed out towards Manchester, Tennessee for the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, sans Cory:(
I don't even know where to begin.
Bonnaroo was an expierence. I don't know how else to explain it. We set up camp and cruised, cruised hard throughout the weekend. We barely ate, no one wanted a hot burger in 97 degree weather. We seperated and made our own friends and also stayed as a team and laughed at the stupid things we had done before.
I made it through Texas without Liam kicking me out of the car, because I was determined to hit him for every out of state license plate I found. And also sadly pointed out every roadkill that I thought was a squirrel where he corrected me saying "It's not a squirrel its roadkill".
We made it through New Mexico, when the awning flew off the camper, and Lum and I walked the half mile back to grab it. IT. WAS. HOT.
We made it home safe. At 3:30 am Tuesday morning. We made memories we'll never forget. We were a random group of four people who wanted to have fun. We'll keep hanging out and reminiscing over what we did...and what we tried to do.
I'm probably leaving a lot of things out, infact I know I am. I can't write about everything, that would take days. I don't think I want to write about everything, some things will stay with us. Some things we'll forget. Either way, no one, other than us, will ever know exactly what went down in Bonnaroo.
Team Roo 2010.
Our Walmart Tour Setup |
I'll start at the beginning of the trip so everyone understand what we were dealing with. And no, I'm not just talking about DEAN. We all had our moments of forgetting, saying something dumb or just being ridiculous. But we knew we were officially on an adventure when Liam and I smelled something funky from the front seat, we turn around and Dean is spilling tuna juice on his pants! Ten minutes in! It wasn't until Barstow that Dean realized her forgot his ticket and RV companion pass. Which put us all in a frenzy because no one wanted to turn back and drive an extra 4 hours totAl. We ended up getting it mailed out to Jordans friend in Johnson city in Tennessee which at the time we didn't know lived FIVE HOURS away from where we were going to end up. We got to Flagstaff around 11. I called the Walmart we were planning on staying at and asked if they allowed over night parking. They did. And that was good cause we were basically pulling into their parking lot at the time. That was after Jordan and I figure out we needed to pay more attention to the numbers on free way signs. The 67 is NOT the 40. And yeah, NONE of us realized we'd be freezing in flagstaff that night.
Dean and his sleeping bag |
We headed out East the next morning. Well, after Liam jumped on Dean to wake him up and I coaxed him out of his sleeping bag. Jordan was ready to take the first driving shift. We soon came to the conclusion that the "loves" truck stop was hands down the best truck stop there is. Team Roo would now only go to Loves...unless they had no other choice. Randomly, Dean threw up on the 40 East with no explanation and claiming he felt amazing after. We love Dean. Jordan drove us thru the rest of Arizona and all the way to Alburqurque, where we made another Loves stop and let Dean drive. Where as a team almost made him go down a one waystreet with a trailer. I hadn't completely finished mapping out our trip when we put Dean behind the wheel. We all laughed when Dean made his comment " I've risked our lives twice and only been behind the wheel for ten minutes!!" DEEEEEAAAAAN! I started looking up crazy laws in Oklahoma that night while Liam was driving. Among a few others, we learned that Whaling is currently illegal in Oklahkma. Which we knew kinda ruined Jordans plans for the night! :)We ended up in Oklahoma city that night, where it was crazy windy. At a walmart. Ofcourse.
On the Road again |
The next morning, after Dean told the nice lady at starbucks that we were heading to Universal Studios in Florida, we made our way to Little Rock. Dean's ticket ended up beating us to Tennesee, we just need a way to get it. I drove the shift through Memphis. As I drove over the bridge in Tennesee, i was amazed at how pretty a city could look after driving miles next to farmland. Theres a pyramid in Tennesee, bet ya didn't know that.
WINCHESTER, TENNESEE. By far the creepiest town in all of the middle of America. We drove through at 11:30 at night. And we definetly weren't wanting to stay. There was probably a population of 4. And that was only because there were four people in our suburban... It was a toy town. With a toy train track. Fake looking buildings. We didn't get any pictures, we don't want to remember it and that crazy Oldham theater.
We're probably completely over reacting due to our lack of sleep and how excited we were because we were finally in Tennesee. But with all the trees and no lights in this town, we were definetly Blair Witch Project Tennesee style.
We had four awesome days in Tennesee. Seeing bands from Atmosphere, to Mumford and Sons, to the Black Keys and back to Eminem and Lil Wayne. The heat was exhausting. The humidity was worse. The fact that we all slept in the camper till 8am when it got to hot, and moved outside to continue sleeping till the early afternoon was great. There were around 80,000 people at Bonnaroo. We made friends from all over. Most we'll probably never see again. Eminem was an amzing show, and I'm not saying I was surprised cause I'm a big Eminem fan myself. He looped between old songs and new songs, and never played a full song. Everything just blended into another. Neil Young was a once and a lifetime expierence to see. To watch him shred up on stage like he was with Buffalo Springfield made my weekend in Tennesee. I can't even begin to talk about how happy I was to see that show. A few songs into their set lightening began to strike and rain began to fall! If I were to write about every single event that happened at Bonnaroo, it would take up a whole nother blog, as if this one isn't long enough.
![]() |
Bonnaroo |
Home. |
We romped through states on our way back, only stopping when we had too. Even I threw up out the window in Arkansas. We stayed the night in Oklahoma city. Where I was legitimately scared for our life in that camper. The fact that I thought a tornado was going to sweep us away was not comforting for sleep. We hit a tired tred on our way home, or more the tire tred hit us ofcourse. It knocked out one of our lights, which ofcourse we didn't notice until it got dark.
We made it through New Mexico, when the awning flew off the camper, and Lum and I walked the half mile back to grab it. IT. WAS. HOT.
We made it home safe. At 3:30 am Tuesday morning. We made memories we'll never forget. We were a random group of four people who wanted to have fun. We'll keep hanging out and reminiscing over what we did...and what we tried to do.
I'm probably leaving a lot of things out, infact I know I am. I can't write about everything, that would take days. I don't think I want to write about everything, some things will stay with us. Some things we'll forget. Either way, no one, other than us, will ever know exactly what went down in Bonnaroo.
Team Roo 2010.
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